The Sociable Vision: Our Why.
Have you ever been to an event where everyone around you seemed like strangers?
As humans, we thrive to feel connected, that we are part of something bigger, meaningful, and important. At the same time, we need to feel unique, special, and that we stick out, that there is something that makes us special.
The vision, and the WHY? of Sociable, is to bridge the gap between these needs. While we may live on a small planet, there are billions of us, and despite all of the niches and quirks that make us unique, we are all a lot more similar than one could imagine.
What if there was a way to showcase all these unique bits? Broadcast your accomplishments, goals, and that which makes you proud, while at the same time, being able to share with others that which brings us together, into our global community, our human family.
Sociable Inc. is building technologies that can help us realize these similarities so that we can build a world that is closer knit, and just that little bit friendlier.
Together, let's make the world a friendlier place...
Want to be part of the phenomenon? Tell your friends, follow along as we try to put our own dent in the world.